07 June 2006

The Whining Stranger on Politics and Current Events

Well, I guess you would know what a witch looks like, witch...

I'm a critical thinker.
I know how marketing works.
I know that Ann Coulter, that ol'-too-skinny-bitch-who's-the-face-of-ugly-conservative-America, is just trying again crudely to play the provocateur and incite discussion (i.e. earn cash through scandal-inspired sales so she can continue to buy cocaine and black boots), by calling certain 9-11 widows opportunistic "witches" who actually delighted in their husbands' deaths.

I know I should turn away.
I know I should not get dragged into anger over another annoying subtle-as-a-piano-falling-to-the-pavement rhetorical ploy from a bonehead conservative pundit.
I know this is just a cheap attention-getter like O'Reilly picking on Jeremy Glick.

And yet.
I would love to kick Ann Coulter right in her skinny ass.

And by this, I don't mean metaphorically. This is not whimsical hyperbole.
My boot; her ass.
One swift kick.
Ann Coulter lands on Mars.
Much rejoicing by civilized people.

And in less of a departure from my pacifistic ways, I will say that it's interesting that after five years of enduring the wolfish Right's use of 9-11 as sentimental justification for all kinds of unethical bamboozling of the American people, Coulter would potentially alienate her Cro-Magnon fan base by writing so insensitively about people hurt so devastatingly by that Event-About-Which-We-Don't-Discuss-Critically-And-Thoughtfully-Because-It-Means-You're-An-Anti-American-Terrorist-Sympathizer-If-You-Do.

Even Fox News is saying she's out of line this time.

My boot; her ass.
One swift kick.

I need another beer in the mean time.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I hate that woman with a passion I should be channeling into more productive things. She is Eeevelll like the Devvelll.