27 June 2006


Road Trip: Days 14 and 15

Yesterday gave us lunch with good friends, book and CD shopping all afternoon at some of our favorite stores, and a get-together in the evening. Today was manic last-minute visiting and going through adolescent treasures from the closet of my boyhood bedroom. I was reduced to tears at discovering my first honest attempt at a novel: from when I was 10 years old, a coil-bound notebook with a narrative obviously indebted to the Indiana Jones movies. You can see I was trying to be careful with my penmanship. The story gets about 29 or 30 ages in before it falls away.

Just in case the house sells and my mother moves before I return here, I wrote in permanent marker in a secret place of my bedroom closet, "The writer [my name] grew up in this house and slept in this room."

Back on the highway tomorrow.


Paperback Writer said...

I had something similar. I had a green loose leaf binder filled with at least 50 pages...I think I was going for something "romantic" but I used every single friend I ever had as main characters.

It was, of course, a mess...and I sure wish I had kept it instead of chucking it...maybe someone fished it out of the garbage...

One can only hope.

Liz said...

I love that, marking your home. It's the makings of a short story right there. Love it, love it, love it.

The Whining Stranger said...

Yes, I tried to put it in a place that was sort of inconspicuous but also not so hidden as never to be discovered.

A vain act, as I'm resolutely UNfamous right now, but you never know. :)

Paperback Writer said...

Never fear, WS, I'm sure we'll make our mark on the literary world one day.