12 June 2006


"Salty snacks?" "Check." "Don Quixote?" "Check." "Air conditioning? Air conditioning?"

Drat. As the ETD for road trip was creeping upon us we faced a new wrinkle-- Remember last week's scheduled maintenance on the car? Apparently, the mechanics monkeyed around with something they shouldn't have, because in the weekend a decidedly bad sound has begun to resonate from the car's air conditioning unit. A sound that might be compared to a bunch of wrenches being dropped down some stairs. Only more repetitive. Yikes.

Car's being looked at. ETD pushed back a little bit.

[Note: Mechanic pictured above is not our actual mechanic, but a random Internet photo-subject pulled to dramatize the clownlike behavior that left our AC in the state it is currently in.]


Paperback Writer said...

That's not good!

By the way, I'm so glad someone else using "ETD" and "ETA." People always look at me funny when I say it.

The Whining Stranger said...

Well, the ETD is up in the air! An hour from now? Two?


Might as well start reading Don Quixote. :)

Paperback Writer said...

Oh, egads!

Anonymous said...

Estimated Time of Departure! Ha!!!!! Your super special code doesn't phase me!

(Actually I sat for like 5 minuntes with NO idea. So happy I figured it out, or I would have felt stupid.)

Paperback Writer said...

That's alright JoiseyGirl.


The Whining Stranger said...

Super special code?

Just on the QT, here's the 411, I thought I was SOL this afternoon over the AC, but before I could dial 911 and send out an SOS I got the call that sped up the ETD.


Anonymous said...

oh hush! :-p