15 June 2006


Road Trip: Days 3 and 4

So, after three days of driving, we trade one college town for another, and arrive at my aunt's. We're properly feted with a dinner of grilled pork and asparagus and wine--and immediately the sugary and salty snacks that sustained us along the highway disappear into memory.

I finished Carolyn Parkhurst's Dogs of Babel on my aunt's front porch this morning. Great premise, not-so-great resolution. Don Quixote looms now.

Saw Carlin-meets-Coulter on the Leno show last night. Coulter got me worked up; Carlin was disappointingly silent, presumably to protect the promotion of his new cartoon film. Sigh. My aunt tells me to lay off the anger re: Coulter, that really Coulter is part of a long tradition of American theatre and I needn't get so angry. I still say she--Coulter, not my aunt!--needs a kick in the ass.

One more night here, and then to my hometown tomorrow in time for my sister's 26th birthday.


Paperback Writer said...

Hey, I'm reading Dogs of Babel as well. It came highly recommended; she also filled out when I told her that Parkhurst has another book out.

Anyway, don't tell me how it ends, please.:)

The Whining Stranger said...

I won't tell you how it ends, but leave a comment when you're finished about the second half. I was a bit disappointed.

Paperback Writer said...
