12 June 2006


Road Trip: Day 1

After the resolving the unexpected SNAFU of the messed-up AC in the car today (turns out there were leaves clogging up the system; and yeah, even the clerk at the dealership seemed surprised that the mechanics didn't find it when they changed the air conditioning filters last week!), we finally hit the road by mid-afternoon and put in about 350+ miles into the heart of highway America. Funny things you see as you cruise through the belly of the empire, riding the interstates through rolling fields and occasional rocky slopes.

We saw:
  • giant crosses, but not burning, thankfully.
  • a giant woman riding a Harley without a helmet.
  • Miller High Life for sale in 24 oz cans for a dollar. (It's cheaper to buy beer than drinking water in some roadside stops!)
  • giant Zippo lighters (like giant! big enough for King Kong's paws) for 19.99 at a truck stop.
  • a semi-truck moving a house.
  • a lovely sunset.
  • the Motel 6 from which I write.

Hoping for an earlier start tomorrow, to maximize mileage and get to our first "real" checkpoint--my aunt's house a few states away--by the end of day three.

And yes, Willie Nelson made an appearance on the car stereo, to christen the journey. Don Quixote remains uncracked. Tired, beery (1 dollar for 24 oz!). Maybe tomorrow.


Paperback Writer said...

Motorcyclists without helmets....


WS, if you haven't guessed, I'm from Pittsburgh where the Steelers rule the roost. And when your star qb goes down in a motorcycle accident - without a helmet - observing people without one on just makes you think.

The Whining Stranger said...

Yes, PW, I followed the news of Big Ben's accident yesterday. Horrible. I will never be in the government-shouldn't-intervene-in-people's-lives camp, so I'm always going to be down with enforced helmet laws for motorcyclists. Sometimes the government just gets to make laws to save people from themselves.

You agree?

Paperback Writer said...

Actually, I do.

Now, that Big Ben is on the mend and only broke his face, now I will ridicule him tremendously.

But I still love him - even if he's stupid.