09 June 2006


How Can It Be That...?

a) nobody else has yet to take the Which Glass Family Member Are You? quiz and post a comment with the result?

b) nobody--without Googling--has been baited into answering the trivia question of one of my earliest posts, "From what source does the title of this blog--'The Whining Stranger'--come?"

Just trying to elicit some conversation. Just talkin' about Shaft, as Isaac Hayes says.

Then we can dig it.

Halfway through the day's first coffee,


Paperback Writer said...

Once again, I'm Zooey.


And I can't find anything out without Googling.

I'm just that pathetic.

The Whining Stranger said...

At least you respect the non-Googling honor system.

Lucky you, as Zooey. He gets all the good sarcastic lines.

Paperback Writer said...

Please, it's snarky.

Happy Friday!

Liz said...

I was Boo, I think...but I can't remember the characters, I read it so long ago. Maybe 15 years? Is Boo bad or good?

The Whining Stranger said...

Boo Boo?
She's one of the older sisters, in between Seymour and the youngsters, Franny and Zooey. Was that actually what the quiz gave you? Boo Boo's relatively minor!

Liz said...

Like I could make that up? I didn't even remember the sisters having names. Maybe I took the To Kill A Mockingbird quiz by mistake.

Kat said...

I got Zooey, but sad to say it doesn't mean much to me. I read F&Z a few years ago, but was still recoiling from my distaste for Catcher in the Rye.

lol, besides, I think everyone gets Zooey on this quiz. Vices: smoking and long baths? Must be a trick question.

The Whining Stranger said...

EDW, didn't think you'd make it up, Boo Radley, but I'm curious what you have to answer to get Boo Boo as your character. Hm.

And Kat, no not everybody gets Zooey. I guess I'm not snarky enough, nor do I smoke in the bath. Drat.

Paperback Writer said...

I don't smoke and Douglas Manor does not have a bath - despite the "Manor" in my home's title.

Luck of the draw?