22 May 2006

The Whining Stranger on Politics and Current Events

And while I'm ranting about things, you may be a jackass if...

...you drive a vehicle that resembles this one pictured here and are not vocationally obliged to move loads of heavy construction-type materials or livestock.

What on earth are you compensating for, Hoss?


Kat said...

Amen! I know it has become passe to hate people who drive excessively big cars, but for serious. It's loathsome.

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty small truck, tho, barely fit your small children and one dog in the back.

The Whining Stranger said...

Passe? Nah. It's never passe to be contemptuous of barbarians. Never, I say!

Michelle said...

Finally! I've heard many conversations about the uselessness of excessively large vehicles as 'around town' mobiles, but finally someone has summed up the situation completely and concisely...

"You might be a jackass if..." Brilliant!