22 May 2006


"You Like to Think That You're Immune To the Stuff..."

A short list of inconsequential things to which I have been addicted, past and present:

Turkey and avocado sandwiches.
Coca Cola.
Several historical replay baseball games, boardgame and computer varieties.
John Madden Football '98 on Sony PlayStation.
Six Feet Under.
BBQ chicken pizza with bacon and red peppers.
Seinfeld reruns in syndication.
Downloading mp3s (and yet, I still don't own an iPod).

1 comment:

Liz said...

I've had an ipod since they first came out - no kidding. It's got to be 5 years old. And while I download music every week, I almost never use my ipod.

BTW, Robert Palmer was the first concert I went to! 1984.