28 May 2006


Too Darn Hot!

Now, I know nothing is more mundane than a blog post about the weather, but I do have to vent briefly. Another day over 90 degrees today, and the WS is feeling drained and cranky. I like warm weather to a certain degree--well, I like tropical cocktails and baseball--but once the mercury climbs above 80, I confess I get ornery.

I think I will always choose a crisp autumn day or a snowy winter morning over a smoking summer afternoon, but just to think aloud and complicate my preference, I decided to make a summer versus winter list.

So, which is really better?

Winter = boots; Summer = flip flops.
Winter = hockey; Summer = baseball.
Winter = cocoa; Summer = iced tea.
Winter = argyle sweaters; Summer = Lacoste polos.
Winter = rosy cheeks; Summer = sunburned cheeks.
Winter = frozen eyelashes; Summer = perspiration.
Winter = holiday turkey dinners; Summer = grilling.
Winter = Ray Charles and Betty Carter singing, "Baby, It's Cold Outside"; Summer = Martha and the Vandellas singing, "Dancing in the Streets"
Winter = Reading with a blanket over me; Summer = reading in the backyard.
Winter = Starting the car and letting it warm up before I can drive; Summer = cruising with the windows down.

Hm, it's not so obvious a preference when I lay it out like that.

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