19 July 2006

The Whining Stranger's Big List of Ultimate Fetish Objects and Talismans: Part 3

The Lacoste polo shirt.

The original iconic polo shirt, made famous by Rene Lacoste oh-so-long-ago. The shirt with the whimsical gator on chest. More cheeky that Ralph Lauren's ponies; almost as absurd as Munsingwear's penguin (which is a close second for my favorite kind of polo shirt). I love these. I love how they embody vintage preppydom--that is, I'll keep wearing mine even when their current vogue subsides--and country club pizazz. I grew up, of course, in a poor neighborhood, and merely passing for a Todd or a Biff. But from a distance, who can tell?


Paperback Writer said...

I love polo shirts...as for which kind? I'm not that picky.:)

Kat said...
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Kat said...

I forgot to comment, but after your first BLoUFOaT post about Moleskine, I noticed a display of them at the Stanford bookstore and quite unnecessarily bought one. I felt empowered by my purchase until the woman at the counter rang it up and exlaimed, "Expensive little black book!"

Oh well. The dream of a fingerhold in a presumably exaggerated legacy of greatness doesn't come cheap. Apparently.

The Whining Stranger said...

"Presumably exaggerated," Kat? Heavens, no.

And surely you already knew that cultural cachet doesn't ever come cheap.

Kat said...

It's true, pretension is the one gaping hole in my otherwise relatively sound financial strategy. I mean, I'll live in the dark for a week until lightbulbs go on sale, yet have no qualms about blowing a week's stipend on a cigarette holder like the one Jack Kerouac used to use.

haha, not only did I buy the Moleskine, but shortly thereafter sent one as a no-reason gift to a similarly pretentious friend. Worth it? Yes. (Although in the defense of status-hungry literophilia, they are mighty nice journals...)

The Whining Stranger said...

The bottom line is that the Moleskine really is a beautiful notebook. Sometimes you blow your cash on some overpriced bit of fetishdom that really wasn't worth it (like--though I've not done this--a stupidly expensive Marc Jacobs t-shirt), but really, the Moleskine commands its dear price.