09 July 2006


Road Trip: Day 27

I slept late after tossing and turning with worry over 1. how the Pistons will survive the loss of Ben Wallace; and 2. the fact I've not yet planned my reading lists for fall courses yet. Today was spent mostly out at the lake, first visiting with old friends at their cabin, then on to another aborted fishing venture when another boat died on us. (Is my karma that bad?) We cast off shore for a while after that but not a bite to be had. Then a barbecue at the lake and home for more visiting. Tomorrow I'm to take seven year old nephew for Laser Tag. Zap!

We leave here Tuesday morning, back on the road. It'll be three days on highways before we're home home again. A long satisfying trip with so many friends and family. Fortunately there's the Steely Dan concert to look forward to to survive the inevitable vacation hangover.


Kat said...

Nice to know that professors procrastinate too. I thoroughly approve -- July evenings are a little too lovely to ruin with dreary work.

Paperback Writer said...

Ooo!! Steely Dan! Loki and I are officially jealous.

Hey, get to work on those courses! :)