08 July 2006


Road Trip: Days 21-26

We disappeared with family into cabins by a lake. I listened to Regina Carter on the drive up and thought of my dad when she played, "I'll Be Seeing You." We ate greasy breakfasts and spent afternoons reading and playing volleyball on the beach. We ate dinner after 10pm every night and tumbled into bed with full bellies when the night turned cold after sundown. We rented a boat for fishing but had to row it back when the motor died. We played Wiffleball lazily at twilight. We returned back from the wildnerness pleasantly exhausted.

Two more full days here with partner's family and then back on the road, homeward bound, Tuesday morning.

500+ pages into Don Quixote. Miffed that Verlander's not on the All-Star team, but happy that Ordonez is an injury replacement and Kenny Rogers will likely be the starting pitcher for the American League. Tigers, improbably, amazingly, will be in first place at an All-Star Break for the first time since my adolescence.

Life is good.


Paperback Writer said...

Hey, WS, so you're not making a trip to Pittsburgh for the All Star Game?

Oh, and glad to see that you're back!

The Whining Stranger said...

I wish I could go to the All-Star game, to see three Tigers representin'. Do you actually have tickets?

Paperback Writer said...

No, I don't. I can't afford them! Loki tells me that he actually performed during the All-Star game the last time it was here. He didn't know how big a deal it was until now.

Really, it's all the media can talk about here.