10 August 2006

The Whining Stranger's Big List of Ultimate Fetish Objects and Talismans: Part 4

My bike.

The thrift store steal of a lifetime, I found this enviro-friendly vehicle at Goodwill for twenty bucks about a year and a half ago, and had to have it, not just for mobility's sake, but to complete the professorial cliche. It has one speed (pedal hard) and uses those old-school throw-your-pedal-in-reverse kind of brakes. (After riding a mountain bike for years, I admit I've nearly propelled myself into traffic for not having a feel for the pedal-brake). On days when I ride to campus I look forward to the end of the day, when I cruise through our residential neighborhood with the wind in my hair.

And I always pretend I'm George Plimpton, riding home from The Paris Review.


Liz said...

I love it. I would prefer red for myself.

Paperback Writer said...

Word, EDW. Word.

I would bike to work, but Pittsburghers are crazy in their cars. No, I don't drive to work, silly! The bus is all right for me.