08 August 2006

Musings: The Cruel Part of the Summer

One of the few downsides of living a life governed by the academic year is that August inevitably carries a bit of melancholic weight. These are the last few weeks of unstructured time before the rigor of classes, and meetings, and stringent commitments sets in. Autumn's cool, crisp winds come nipping in at the corners of your sun-bleached, laissez faire existence. Soon you'll be living by alarm clocks and datebooks again.

This is the month of Jay Gatsby's downfall. This is the busy time of looking ahead to the busier time of school starting.

I sigh.
And I wonder how another summer has so quickly passed.

1 comment:

Paperback Writer said...

Loki feels the same way. I have to start prodding him to start working on the sixth grade curriculm. He's teaching both fifth and sixth grade this year and he's not looking forward to it.