11 August 2006

The Whining Stranger on Politics and Current Events: This Just In...

According to a headline from my favorite junky news-source (not for news junkies, of course, but just plain junk), Yahoo News: Poll: Bush May Be Hurting Republicans.

And in other developments, scientists have discerned that cancer may be harmful to one's health.

Also, Peter Schweizer, of USA Today, author of the provocative (by which I mean nauseating) tome, Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, points out--as his headline reads--that Gore Isn't Quite As Green As He's Led The World To Believe. Read the piece, and then perhaps, like me, you'll find yourself asking, "Why do conservatives challenge dissent by trying to expose hypocrisy? So Al Gore is a spoiled rich guy who leads an overly indulgent life. Big deal. That's what rich guys do. But does that negate the problems regarding global warming to which the (Real Elected) President has tried to call attention?"

I'm tired of so-called critical thinkers in the public sphere playing I've-called-you-on-your-hypocrisy as though it's a trump card in public debate. Is this what passes for political engagement? If so, I'll open another Colt 45 and continue to wait for the oceans to boil over.

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