18 August 2006

The Whining Stranger on Politics and Current Events: One Child Beauty Queen = Tens of Thousands Distant Dead Children

Here I am, all in a tizzy about the damn media again. Why am I so easily moved to anger given the predictability of American news agencies. Here's my beef: sure, I want to see JonBenet Ramsey's killer brought to justice. I find her death--and her life, actually--to be an undeniable tragedy. But I would like a little balance in my news coverage. There are tens of thousands civilians dead in Iraq and Darfur, many of whom--duh!--are children. Sure, they didn't wear blue eyeshadow and perform cute dances in cowboy boots. Yes, they didn't sing in adorably warbly little voices with curled blond hair.

But they do deserve a little more attention, no?

This post seems to articulate what is painfully obvious, I know, and I'll feel a tiny bit better if I hit "publish" and get it online.

1 comment:

Paperback Writer said...

Yes, yes they do deserve attention.